Colourpop Cosmetics- How I ordered from the colourpop website? (Shipped to the UK)

00:49 MalaikahR 0 Comments

So I've received a lot of questions about my colour pop order that I placed directly from the colour pop website, how much it cost, Did I have to pay tax, how long did it take and what was the process?
Well, I'm going to try my very best to address all your questions right now.

Firstly, I ordered from their site on the 13th of August 2016.

Heres the maths:
I placed an order for $61 USD in Total for 7 ITEMS.
The Subtotal for the products in total were $41.
International Shipping cost $25
- $5 off DISCOUNT CODE for your first purchase.
= $61 = £46

Shipping and Postage Process
Shipping seemed super quick, I expected it to be alot longer than it actually came to be.
I ordered it on the 13th and it arrived on the 23rd of August.
Thats 10 days to get to the UK all the way from the US?
I was given a UPS Tracking Number so that I knew exactly where my parcel was and when it had arrived to Royal Mail.

Once it arrived to the UK, I was notified by UPS Tracking that my order had been delivered.
I got home to find nothing there?
I was super stressed out thinking that my parcel had gone missing so started doing some research
A common problem with UPS is that it always lets you know that the Item has been Delivered a day or two before actual delivery. Something to do with the way tracking is processed internally as UPS pass it on to Royal Mail.

Tax and Customs
The next day I recieved a postcard from Royal Mail saying that they had my Parcel in the nearest office and that I would have to be TAX to have my itemed delivered. I could do that either online or by going straight to the office and paying it there.

Paying tax was super easy, I just did it online that same night using the reference number they gave me and followed the website they provided on the postcard.

How much Tax did I have to pay?
From Colourpops side for the actual products, the tax came upto £6.23.
However, Royal Mail themself have a seperate Handling / Processing Fee which is £8.

From what I know, the TAX itself varies on how many items you've purchased and how much they cost. Whereas the Royal Mail fee is a set fee which doesn't vary on how much and how many products.

Overall, my total cost came upto £60 for 7 products.
That makes it around £8.50 for each item.

Was it worth it? 
Yep, Deffinately worth it, considering that other uk sellers charge £9/£10 for each colourpop product. I was able to save abit, it's not alot but it does count in the end.

Would I order again?
Probabaly so, Yes, I didnt have a bad experience, It wasn't as expensive as I thought it might have been. It arrived super quick and the quality of the products are amazing!

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them down below! :) 

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